Research shows that physical exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells. The brain building effects of exercise are greatest in the area of the brain that is damaged by high levels of stress and adrenalin. We can do ourselves a favour when we are feeling frazzled, roll out the yoga mat, even if it is just for 15 minutes (perfect for work and study breaks). This way we are running on our bodies real energy reservoir, not the superficial (really high, then really low) energy that we get from the ‘adrenalin rush’ or the ‘caffeine hit’.
The ancient hatha yoga system, Chinese medicine and internal martial arts teachings make clear the flow of ‘chi’ or ‘prana’ throughout the material body, primarily through the meridians or nadis. This chi is carried or circulates through the body via these subtle ‘nerve’ channels (meridians), through bones, blood, etc. Yoga poses and breathing exercises facilitate the free flow of chi throughout the entire body by releasing stiff muscles that could be impinging these channels. Yoga’s faster moving sun salutations and dynamic standing sequences increase the flow of chi throughout the body contributing to a sense of bodily lightness, raised energy levels, clearer thinking and relaxation. When chi is deranged physical ‘dis-ease’ may result. Yoga exercise is especially beneficial to keep the chi in order so that diseases of the body become almost nil by such exercise.
Yoga exercise accompanied with deep diaphragmatic breathing oxygenates the blood and encourages fresh nutrients to all peripheral vessels and capillaries. Improved circulation means that the brain will receive more oxygen, improving alertness, memory and mood; vital organs receive a steady supply of the nutrients they require for optimal functioning. Alleviate fatigue with poses such as the slope stretch, headstand and its variations, windblown tree and the camel. Poses in which you have to ‘bend over backwards’ are especially helpful for invigorating the entire body. The backward bending asanas energise, refresh and invigorate the body – opening the chest, encouraging inhalation. Some of our favourite backbends are the Bridge, Bow, Fish and Cobra. Backbends benefit the nervous system, as cerebral-spinal fluids are pumped resulting in a clearer feeling mind and benefits all the meridians.
Energising poses create an internal physical heat that encourages muscles to lengthen gradually and safely. Stamina building standing and balancing poses build joint stability by strengthening surrounding muscles. By nature, joints are inherently unstable and reliant on ligaments and muscles to guard them from injury. The quadriceps are often sore after a Warrior I or II, Chair Pose or a demanding balancing pose (such as Warrior III), whether you are a beginner or a veteran yoga instructor. We can literally feel the legs working hard in these poses, building strength and energy.
An Energy class at The Australian School of Meditation and Yoga will boost your heart rate up into the aerobic range. When we regularly get our heart rate up into this range we lower our chances of heart problems and can relieve depression. Studies show that yoga practice has a calming affect on the resting heart rate, enhances endurance and increases lung capacity, improving oxygen intake during exercise. Research highlights that participants who were taught only Pranayama (breathe control) used less oxygen during vigorous exercise.
Yoga ‘work outs’ serve to sculpt the body, by toning, lengthening and strengthening the bodies 300 plus muscles. Getting the chi in the body moving is helpful in circumstances where sluggishness, weigh gain and decreased energy are correlating factors. Sequenced poses using movement and the breathe as a link, build heat and can increase the amount of calories burnt. No one will argue that regular yoga exercise, meditation and relaxation, and a healthy balanced diet will assist in weight loss and body tone. With a refreshed, energised body and a deep rooted mental focus it is much easier and enjoyable to step into meditation (the third area of the yoga tradition), which is where we can fulfill our inner spiritual longing.
Energy Yoga Pose - Sun Salutation Sequence
(a mini yoga session)
- This set of flowing yoga poses is recommended for cardiovascular health. 6 to 12 cycles can be done daily.
- Salutes help to strengthen the health of the heart and help to prevent heart attack.
- Enhances blood circulation to nourish and heal, warming extremities.
- Strengthens the muscles of the body, especially the abdominals.
- Refreshes the skin, clearing complexion.
- Produces health, efficiency and longevity.
If you suffer from heart problems, the Sun Salutes may be too strenuous.
The instructors at the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga invite you to share with us the wonderful benefits of an Energy Yoga class.
6:30am Every Tuesday – By donation
Miami Foreshore Park
Corner of Chairlift Avenue and Marine Parade
6:30am Every Thursday – By donation
Len Fox Park
Marine Parade Labrador
5:30pm Every Thursday – First class $5
The Australian School of Meditation and Yoga
2241 Gold Coast Highway Mermaid Beach
Yoga Instructor
Australian School of Meditation and Yoga