What are the benefits?
Can anybody try it?
Are these questions that you have asked yourself? And then a split second later thought, “I am way to busy to meditate!” When you don’t think you have time to meditate this is actually when you need it the most. Scientific studies show that 20 minutes of meditation is more rejuvenating than four hours of sleep.
You have read about the live changing benefits of meditation in endless amounts of scientific and medical journals and you have made the decision that you want to learn how to do it. Now what, where do you start?
The Australian School of Meditation and Yoga invites you to our “Discover Meditation, Discover Yourself” workshops in August. These two part courses are available during the day and in the evening.
10.30am Wednesday 20th and 27th August
7.30pm Thursday 21st and 28th August
These workshops are suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners wanting to add something new and fresh to their meditation practice. Take advantage of these courses that run monthly by donation. Phone (07) 5554 5440 or email gold-coast@asm.org.au to secure your booking.
Look forward to seeing you there,
Australian School of Meditation and Yoga