1000 people gathered across Australia to salute for charity
The Gold Coast Yoga Community united on Wednesday 22 October for the 2nd Annual Yoga Aid Challenge. The registration desk opened at 5:30am at Queen Elizabeth Park in Coolangatta for yoga enthusiasts of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life to join together to raise money for charity and promote yoga. We had over 80 people at the Gold Coast event saluting to the sun. Our challenge was to complete 108 salutes in two hours, and I am proud to announce that we did it! With the help of 9 yoga teachers from Gold Coast studios and gyms, participants got a taste of traditional and varied salutes along the way. A big thank you to Mrna, Andrew, Margaret and Candace (all the way from the Brisbane studio), teachers from the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga that volunteered their time, effort and encouragement not only on the day but along the way as well.
Leading up to the event I was busy encouraging and enthusing others to join the challenge and then days before the event it dawned on me what I had gotten myself into. 108 salutes, I was thinking to myself – that is a lot. Much to my surprise the actual salutes were not that difficult. With a one minute break between each set of ten and a half time break we saw ourselves slide over the 108 line at about 8:30am.
From all the teachers at the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga I would like to say a huge thank you to the fantastic effort from all the team members involved. We had 33 team members saluting on the day and fundraising for the event - the second largest team in Australia! We raised $1500 for Save The Children Australia. They work with children at risk, to help them reach their potential through education, health and child protection programs in Australia and around the world. The total amount raised in Australia so far for charity is $130, 643!
What a great effort everyone! We hope to make the event even bigger and better next year.
Please make a note in your diaries for next years challenge – Wednesday 25 November 2009. It is truly a great opportunity to use your love of yoga to give back to the community.