Our November ‘Discover Meditation’ workshops start this week at Nerang and Mermaid Beach. At this two part workshops you can learn practical tools to add meditation to your life. These workshops are perfect if you are a beginner or if you have been meditating for years. If you have been attending other classes at the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga and want to learn more formally about meditation and its benefits, you will find these workshops ideal.
We clearly explain how meditation works and give you the opportunity to experience the benefits yourself. The timeless art of meditation has been practiced by saints and sages since ancient times to bring about the joyful state of self-realisation. In this consciousness a person is free from temporary worries, anxieties and concerns and is immersed in a higher spiritual happiness and inner peacefulness.
Through the practice of meditation a person can experience an actual inner spiritual fulfillment or happiness. The secret to gaining the benefits is to practice it regularly. By starting your day with 15 minutes of meditation, you will find that your whole day flows more smoothly.
To find out more or book, visit our website or call. These workshops run by donation monthly.
Australian School of Meditation and Yoga