Thursday, October 30, 2008

Guided Meditation: Free Download

You can learn an uplifting meditation practice using breath and mantra that will energise your body, calm your mind and bring joy to your heart. We are offering a free recording that you can now download to your computer or MP3 player to use and enjoy whenever you like.

The slow deep breathing has the effect of calming the entire nervous system. The mantra is calming, uplifting and cleansing to the heart and mind.

Sit comfortably and lengthen your spine so that you can keep the chest open for nice deep inhalations. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Bring the breath deep down into your relaxed abdomen, and as you exhale draw the abdominal muscles back and up, then release them for the inward breath. Spend time with your breath feeling the relaxing effect of the outward breath, and the energizing effect of the inward breath.

To add mantra to the breathing, take a deep breath in, vibrating the mantra “Gauranga” on the long outward breath. As you say the mantra, simply listen to the sound. When the mind strays, simply refocus on the sound of the mantra. As you say the mantra allow your mind to become fully immersed in the sound, feeling its vibration throughout your whole body. You may like to spend 2 or 3 minutes in meditation at first and gradually increase the time up to 5 or 10 minutes.

For a free download of this meditation, go to and download the Guided Meditation from the Videos and Music page . It’s a very nice way to go to sleep at night to ensure you have a sound and tranquil sleep; it’s also a nice way to start the day to ensure your day is peaceful and energized. During the day, whenever you get a chance, it is a wonderful refresher and a great way to de-stress and calm the mind.




Australian School of Meditation and Yoga