Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Namaste Last Sunday saw the final Mini Yoga Retreat for the year. Every retreat I give a little talk on applying the spiritual side of yoga in our daily lives. This month I read out the article which is featuring in the ASMY November newsletter and elaborated on it a little. It’s such a nice article I thought I would publish it here. And if you don’t already receive our newsletter you can contact us and we’ll send it out to you. Then every month you will have to opportunity to read an enlightening article like the one below, try out a tasty vegetarian recipe, learn a yoga pose and read an interesting article about the benefits of yoga asanas.

Twilight. The crimson sun dipped toward the horizon, bathing the sky glowing saffron. The silvery ocean reflected the blaze of colour, tropical flowers perfumed the air and delicately winged bats darted through the gathering dusk. Magic! We are naturally attracted to beauty but the beauty of this world does not last. With the passing of time, the blooming rose shrivels, the radiant sunset dims, fades and is gone. We can’t hold on to beauty because it is not permanent. The beauty of this world is not only temporary, it is also superficial. The bodily beauty that attracts the eye is only skin deep. We may become enamoured by a pretty face, but because it is not lasting or totally satisfying, we become frustrated. Real beauty exists. Our longing and search for beauty need not end in frustration. We can find and relish real beauty. We simply need to know where to find it. Everything beautiful in this world is but a tiny reflection of the beauty of the Supreme. We are attracted to beauty because we are a small part of the all beautiful Absolute Whole. Our bodies may be ugly or old, but they are only an external garment covering our true self. We, the living force, are by nature eternally beautiful and it is this inner beauty that shines through our eyes, our thoughts, our words and our actions. Our yoga practice is not just to keep our bodies healthy, but also to develop and nurture our inner beauty. We need to develop the spiritual vision to see and appreciate this transcendental phenomenon. We need to become self realised to perceive our real nature and the all-attractive nature of the Supreme. This will give us real and lasting satisfaction. The most valuable gift yoga has to offer is meditation on transcendental sound vibrations or mantras. Mantras are no ordinary sound vibrations; they are spiritual in essence so they are inherently attractive to the spiritual soul and have the effect of awakening one’s dormant spiritual consciousness and opening one’s eyes to real spiritual beauty. We experience joy in the beauty of a lovely face or a scenic view but it’s impossible to imagine the boundless happiness for those who perceive the very source of beauty. The wise and determined seek the most beautiful, the reservoir of all beauty and their search is never frustrated. Such wise men live in this world relishing the eternal pleasures and beauty of a different world. “Know that all beautiful, glorious, and mighty creations spring from but a spark of My splendour.” Sri Krishna,Bhagavad-gita Namaste Margaret

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cooking Demo at the Balanced Life Retreat

September's retreat was again a huge success with 26 happy participants, delicious lunch as always and a relaxing foot reflexology workshop from Amara. The cooking demonstration given by Mrnalini was an introduction to tofu and this is what she told us.

Tofu is a product made from soy milk and a coagulant. It is a very good source of protein while at the same time being very low in saturated fat.Tofu provides an abundance of iron as well as manganese, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, copper, calcium and magnesium.

This wonder food is touted as one of the world’s healthiest foods and for good reason. It has been found that soy products help to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and keep estrogen in balance. There are also studies which show soy intake helps to prevent colon, breast and prostate cancer as well as atherosclerosis.

Yet, like all foods, soy needs to be incorporated into a person's diet in a balanced and individualized way. It’s important that even very healthy foods are consumed in moderation.

Tofu has very little flavor or smell on its own. Consequently it lends itself equally well to either savoury or sweet dishes. As a method of flavouring it is often marinated in soy sauce, chilis, sesame oil, etc. Fresh tofu is usually packaged in water and once opened it should be kept in the refrigerator and it's water changed daily. In this way the tofu can last up to a week.

Tofu is sold in a number of different ways:

Silken/Soft tofu has the highest moisture content of all tofus. Its texture is similar to a very fine custard and is often used in desserts, smoothies, soups and sauces.
Firm tofu is dense and can be cubed and stir-fried, grilled, scrambled, pickled, smoked, baked, barbecued or served in soups. Firm tofu is higher in protein, fats and calcium than other types of tofu.
Fried Tofu puffs (bean bubble) are deep fried until light and airy at the core and are delicious in soups because they soak up the flavour like little sponges.
Pressed Tofu is usually seasoned and pressed to remove excess water content. This can be cut into strips and used in soups or stir fries or used in sandwiches.
Frozen Tofu (thousand layer tofu) By freezing tofu, the large ice crystals that develop within the tofu result in the formation of cavities that soak up the flavours of the dish once the tofu is defrosted, the moisture squeezed out and marinated.